About Us


Transitioning to Adulthood Program 12-21 years old (still enrolled in their local school district)

The mission of the ELIJA TPS is to provide a muiltiyear comprehensive scientifically validated curriculum for young adults transitioing into academic and work environments. TPS supports individuals focusing on vocational skills, life skills, cognitive and social skills and community integration with the ultimate goal of preparing and supporting individuals to live and work as independently as possible.

*ELIJA Works with local school districts for placement considerations


Transitioning Young Adult Consultation 18+ (have already entered the adult system and are no longer enrolled in their local school system)

The mission of the ELIJA TPS Adult Consultation program is to provide a muiltiyear comprehensive scientifically validated consultative model  for young adults transitioing into academic and work environments. TPS provides consultative supports focusing on vocational skills, life skills, cognitive and social skills and community integration with the ultimate goal of preparing and supporting individuals to live and work as independently as possible. We work closely with families/guardians as well as service providers who coordinate and manage 3rd party billing services as well as OPWDD Medicaid waiver programs such as Self-Direction. (this is a privately funded program)